
Ebony Rose is a Mercenary Bar founded by former Garlean soldier turned resistance leader, Kolgrim Hayashida and his husband Ryunosuke Hyashida.It is owned and operated by The Lady of the House, Styx and her companion, Kjat.The bar has a variety of drinks from simple ales to complex cocktails and a little of everything in between.Ebony Rose's staff offers companionship, from sitting and talking at the bar to something far more intimate, so if someone catches your eye don't be afraid to say hello, we don't bite... unless you ask us to.

Information & Rules


Location: Zalera - Lavender Beds - Ward 28 - Plot 3
Days: Saturdays
Time: 9:00 pm - 12:00 am EST | 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm PST


Treat everyone with respect, absolutely no racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or discrimination of any kind, if you have to question if it's okay just don't say/post it. This includes the usage of trans-fetisizing terms such as f*ta.Ebony Rose is a brothel that sells ERP as well as a bar with a focus on mercenary and underworld types. You must be 18+ both IC and OOC to be in the discord as well as the venue. If it is found out you are not 18+ you will be asked to leave.Lalafel are welcome but WILL NOT be sold ERP, we do not support Lalafel ERP period.Due to the unique nature of Ebony Rose as a mercenary dive bar you are permitted to have weapons on you, we just ask you not draw them or use weapon skills within the venue. Minions, however, should be put away.Do not harass/disrespect/or otherwise be rude to the staff, they are here to help you, sometimes we get busy and they cannot get to you as quickly as you'd like. If you make the staff uncomfortable and are asked to stop and ignore them you will not be given another warning and will be asked to leave.Keep OOC chatter to a bare minimum, this venue is for RP and it is immersion breaking to have too much going on OOC.Yell chat is to make important announcements and for staff only.



Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: She/He/They
Race: Viera (Rava)
IC Age: ??
IC Job: Mercenary
Role: Lady of the House
RP/ERP Friendly: Yes / Yes
Preference: Anyone brave enough to try

Kjat Miret-moor

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Viera (Rava)
IC Age: 61
IC Job: Self Employed
Role: Management
RP / ERP Friendly: Yes / Yes
Preference: Gay, Bicurious

Louka Hyacinthe

Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Race: Miqo'te (Keeper)
IC Age: 26
IC Job: Escort and Healer for Hire
Role: Management
RP / ERP Friendly: Yes / Hells Yes
Preference: Homosexual

Qalele Qale

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Roegadyn (Hellsguard)
IC Age: 29
IC Job: Bartender, Groundskeeper
Role: Bartender
RP/ERP Friendly: Yes / Yes
Preference: ??

Juno Monet

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Race: Viera (Rava)
IC Age: 100s
IC Job: Cosmetologist & Alchemist
Role: Host
RP/ERP Friendly: Yes / No
Preference: Pansexual

Luna Lacroix

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Race: Miqo’te (Keeper)
IC Age: 28
IC Job: Florist
Role: Host
RP/ERP Friendly: Yes / No
Preference: Bisexual

黒薔薇 [Kuro Bara]

Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Race: Miqo’te (Keeper)
IC Age: Appears to be in her 30s
IC Job: Seamstress
Role: Bartender
RP/ERP Friendly: Yes / No
Preference: Unknown

About The Ebony Rose


Kolgrim Hayashida and Ryunosuke Hayashida, two men some would see as criminals and others would accept as the accomplished mercenaries and vigilantes they are. The Ebony Rose was the brain child of Kol and dear friend Evelynn Markov who left him to run the operation with his combination of fierce fighting skills and drive to destroy the Empire he once called home, the small Raen is a force to be reckoned with. Daedrix was the obvious choice to run the legal face of Ebony Rose, a charming seductress who was never one to get her hands dirty with the fighting, but shines under the eyes of her patrons.Ebony Rose brings together former imperial soldiers such as himself, thieves, killers, monsters, and lets them work together and do something that could help. Not change, not be good, but rather use their abilities as thieves or killers to rid the world of those who are worse and give the wealth to those who are suffering the most.They steal from the rich to give to the poor, they go after the criminals that the Grand Companies cannot or will not touch, they sabotage Garlean transports, taking supplies and weapons to groups still rebuilding or still fighting off the Empire, The Rose also offers shelter and food or means of obtaining it to anyone who seeks it.

Previous Owner

Daedrix Vairemont had taken care of Ebony Rose's legal face for several years. As Kol & Ryu's past lover, she held tight to keeping the venue true to its roots and traditions, changing very little over her time as Madam of the House. It was not until she vanished with only a letter to those close to her and the staff that Ebony Rose traded into the hands of Styx and Kjat who now attempt to keep the bars traditions alive.


Ebony Rose does not operate the same way most brothels or clubs tend to.You will not find your classic reception desk by the front door, or a list of services and prices.Ebony Rose was created with the the freedom of the staff in mind. No member of staff, not even the owners, have to wait until after hours to offer their time.Strike up conversation with anyone you find interesting, and they will tell you their availability, pricing and book a room for you. The staff will handle payment themselves, no middle man required.